Reuniting with your Child(ren)

Reuniting with your Child(ren)

We recognize that when an emergency occurs parents will be worried and want to be reunited with their child(ren) as quickly as possible. It is our intention to make this happen. However, to ensure every student’s safety and the safety of staff, specific procedures have been established for releasing students.

Parents are asked to adhere to the Parent-Child Reunification procedures listed below. Staff work hard to ensure these procedures take place without delay. However, please understand the process will still take some time: we ask for your patience when you arrive at the Parent-Child Reunion Area.

Parent-Child Reunion Procedures

  1. Parent-Child Reunion Area will be established. Parents will be notified at the time of the emergency of the Reunion Area’s location. The location may not be at the school — the location will depend on the specifics of the emergency.
  2. You will be required to fill out a Student Release Request Form. This ensures all students are accounted for at all times and students are only released to authorized individuals.
  3. Students will only be released to an individual designated as their legal guardian or emergency contact on the student's Emergency Card, which is completed at time of school registration. Please be sure to keep this information current with your school, as the school will only release a child to someone listed as an Emergency Contact — there will be no exceptions.
  4. Valid identification is required to pick up your child. This is required to protect your child from any unauthorized individuals attempting to pick up students. You must still present identification even if you know school personnel, as the school may be receiving assistance from other schools or outside agencies.
  5. You will be required to sign for the release of your child. This is extremely important, as it ensures your child, along with other students, is accounted for at all times. Please do not take your child from the school or evacuation center without signing for his/her release.
  6. Once you have been reunited with your child, please leave the area immediately. This is for your own safety and that of your child.

If you are unable to pick up your child, he/she will be kept at the Parent-Child Reunion Center until alternate arrangements can be made. Your child will be supervised at all times.