Your EFAP connects you and your dependants with clinical mental health professionals (e.g., Master of Social Work or registered counsellors), registered nurses, legal and financial experts, and more.
Vist the website for more information: https://wellness.asebp.ca/EFAP/
If you have ASEBP benefits (excluding the MyRetiree Plan), you may have access to our Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP), offered by Inkblot. You can confirm enrolment by checking your ASEBP ID card or My ASEBP account.
Your yearly service allotment is available to you free-of-charge. Once all counselling hours are used, you can continue with your chosen mental health professional at a rate lower than the national average and submit your receipts to ASEBP for reimbursement through your extended health benefits or Health Spending Account. Learn more about this in our Using your EFAP: What Happens When your Sponsored Counselling Hours End brochure.
If you need immediate mental health support, please call 1-855-933-0103 (press 1 for English and 2 for French). If this is an emergency, please call 911.