Substitute Teacher Resources

Substitute Teachers

The 2024/2025 Substitute Teacher Roster is now open! 

New and Returning Subs must register prior to being placed on the roster for the 2024/2025 school year.

Substitute Teacher Registration Page.

Subs are required to confirm their status every school year. 

 You may review the documents below at your convenience in order to familiarize yourself with Substitute Teaching within Wolf Creek Public Schools. 

-People Services

Substitute Teacher Documents and Handouts 

New Sub Onboarding Instructions

New Substitute Teacher Checklist 

Substitute Work board Definitions 

Substitute Teacher Workbook

Substitute Teacher Guidelines

Substitute Teacher Preferences - How to

AP_460 Substitute Teachers

ATA Code of Conduct

Fair Notice Letter 24/25

Federal and Provincial Tax forms

Multi-Factor Authentication Instructions (Always Learning Site)

Teacher Certification